Raven Fed Designs

About Us

In dark, cold Alaskan winters, nothing warms my soul more than the tactile delight of fibers in vibrant colors.

It started with an unexpected gift ...

I've always loved to crochet, cross stitch, knit, quilt, basically anything to do with fiber or yarn. Then one year for Christmas, my husband surprised me with a rigid heddle loom. I had never tried weaving before, and I fell in love at warp speed! That one loom was later joined by a tapestry loom, then a four shaft floor loom, then a smaller rigid heddle loom, then another four shaft floor loom, and well, now our living room is my weaving studio. Fiber arts strike a deep and ancient chord within me. Whether I am spinning or weaving or knitting, my hands know more than my brain does. These are the skills of my ancestors, the survival crafts that kept them warm and dry through long, dark winters. These arts and crafts resonate with my soul. I know I am continuing the crafts of my ancestors, and that is deeply fulfilling. Fiber arts are also my primary spiritual practice. They are deeply grounding and meditative, and when I create, I feel my heart and soul calm and settle within me as I intentionally infuse prayers, blessings, and good wishes into my art.

Care Instructions

To best care for your item, spot clean with warm water and gentle detergent. If necessary, hand wash with warm water and gentle detergent, squeeze out water (do not wring) and lay flat to dry. Do not machine wash or dry.

Delivery Options

Most items will be sent through the US Postal Service. However, if you are local, feel free to contact me for pick up or delivery options. Items will be shipped in a timely manner, but be mindful of delivery delays because of the (waves hands around) general state of the world.

Made in Alaska

All products are proudly made in Alaska.